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Please note: This is a summary of the University’s workplace violence policy and is not intended to represent the full scope of the policy or procedure.

Access the full workplace violence policy Access the workplace violence procedure

What does UNC consider to be workplace violence?

Workplace violence includes intimidation, bullying, threats, physical attacks, or property damage.

To be considered workplace violence, behavior must be more than unprofessional behavior, annoyance, irritation, or petty disagreements and must be behavior that would cause a reasonable person to have concerns for personal safety or risks of physical injury to persons, animals, or University property.

Workplace violence includes:

  • Violent physical behaviors, such as hitting, fighting, pushing, shoving, restraining, or throwing objects, or intentionally damaging property owned by the University or University community members.
  • Violent non-physical conduct, such as bullying, threats, or intimidation. Bullying involves a pattern of vindictive or intimidating conduct directed at a particular person. Likewise, threats or intimidation involve words or actions that cause a reasonable person to be frightened, coerced, or fear for personal safety.
  • Possession, use, or threatening to use an unauthorized weapon, which includes firearms, explosive devices, sharp objects, and anything else that can be used to cause bodily harm or property damage.

How do you report workplace violence?

If there is an active emergency and/or immediate risk of safety to any UNC community member or a threat to University property, individuals must immediately dial 911 and/or contact UNC Police.

Individuals should report any incident or potential incident of workplace violence to UNC Police their supervisor, and/or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office as soon as it is safe to do so.

Any administrator, supervisor, manager, human resources professional, or other individual who is a designated responsible employee who receives a report of workplace violence, either directly or indirectly, must notify the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) as soon as possible.

Are there resources for people who have experienced workplace violence?

For a list of available resources, visit the Safe at UNC website and view our comprehensive resources chart.

Who does the workplace violence policy apply to?

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, visitors, or other third parties within the University’s control, regardless of appointment type. The policy does not apply to student conduct.