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Mental illness is often considered a hidden disability, commonly overlooked and not easily understood. But did you know that depression is the second-leading cause of disability in the world? Mental health issues can negatively affect productivity, physical health and attendance.

Disability Solutions Senior Consultant, Julie Sowash, published a two-part article to raise awareness about what it means to live with mental illness in the United States and how companies can improve employment and retention for those with mental health challenges in the workplace.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has made strides to help better understand Mental Health and Illness and how to accommodate those living with it. The Mental Health Task Force was created by UNC-CH administrators to assess the scope of mental health care needs for students at Carolina. Read more about the Task Force here. On the student side, the Mental Health Task Force of UNC Student Government pursues policies and long-term initiatives to promote mental health. From this, the UNC Mental Health Coalition was created – bringing together leadership from all mental health organizations on campus, including undergraduate and graduate groups, to promote collaboration and transparency of efforts.

Below are some resources available on campus for supporting mental health:

Counseling and psychological Services (CAPS):
CAPS provides therapy, psychiatry, referrals and academic intervention services for UNC-Chapel Hill students and postdoctoral fellows.

Student Wellness:
Student Wellness promotes the eight dimensions of wellness for UNC-Chapel Hill students and postdoctoral fellows. They offer Self Care Programs, Alcohol and Drug Programs, Relationship Wellness Programs, and other coaching, group, and individual programs.
(919) 962-WELL (9355)

UNC Accessibility Resource and Service:
Creates official academic accommodations for students who need them

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(24 hours): 1-800-273-8255


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