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Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz wrote to the Carolina community after the death of George Floyd, “we struggle to comprehend these events, we share your sadness, grief and frustration, and recognize the pain the recurrence of such senseless acts of violence and racism causes for so many members of our community. We add our voices to those calling for transparency and accountability.”

The EOC (sponsors of the HAVEN program) recognizes that the identities we carry intersect, and the violence one may experience often lies within those intersections and has rippling impacts. We strive to make this campus a better, safer, and even more caring campus community. We stand by this commitment.

And at this time, it’s important more than ever that we continue to learn and practice the skills emphasized in HAVEN – active listening, empathy, and self-care – to help people and communities feel heard, find the support that they need, and heal.

As a reminder to faculty and staff, you have access to confidential support:

UNC Chapel Hill Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

877-314-5841 (24-Hours)

  • Confidential for employees and their family
  • Trained counselors available 24-hours a day
  • Counseling and resource program

UNC Chapel Hill Ombuds Office

  • Confidential, impartial, informal, and independent resource for staff, faculty, students and administrators at Carolina

Gender Violence Services Coordinators

  • Confidential support and advocacy for all students, faculty, staff, and post-doctoral fellows of all backgrounds and identities who have experienced or have been impacted by gender-based violence or harassment before or during their time at Carolina

You can have a private conversation with a Report and Response Coordinator with the EOC by emailing:  or filing a report at:

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